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Beginner Tattoo Needle Depth for Lining & Shading

Beginner Tattoo Needle Depth for Lining & Shading

When starting as a beginner in tattooing, it's important to understand and control the depth of the needles to ensure safe and effective tattoos. Here are some guidelines for tattoo depth for beginners:

The size of the tattoo needle plays a significant role in determining the appropriate needle depth for different stages of the tattooing process. Tattoo needles come in various configurations, each designed for specific techniques and purposes. In this section, we'll explore the relationship between needle sizes and needle depth, providing insights to help tattoo beginner to achieve optimal results.


 tattoo needle depth


1. Liner Needles and Depth

Liner needles are typically used for outlining and creating bold lines in tattoos. These needles are available in different configurations, ranging from single needles to tight needle groupings.


For beginners, aim for a needle depth of around 1.5 mm to 2 mm (1/16 inch to 5/64 inch). This depth is considered shallow and allows for good line work without going too deep into the skin. Going too deep can cause excessive bleeding, trauma, and potential scarring.


Single Needle Liners:

A single needle liner requires a relatively shallow needle depth to create precise and crisp lines without causing excessive trauma to the skin. Tighter areas of the skin, such as the inner arm or calf, may require a slightly deeper needle depth, around 2 mm to 2.5 mm.


Tight Needle Groupings: Tighter needle groupings, such as 3-liner or 5-liner configurations, may require a slightly deeper needle depth to ensure proper ink saturation and line boldness.

dog tattoo designliner cartridges needles


Curved Lines:

When tattooing curved or intricate lines, a consistent needle depth is crucial to maintain a smooth and even appearance.


liner cartridges for curved style


 2.Shader Needles and Depth

Shader needles are designed for shading and filling larger areas of the tattoo. These needles typically have a wider needle grouping compared to liner needles, allowing for more efficient ink distribution.


Shallow depth: For most beginners, it's recommended to start with a shallow depth of around 1-2 millimeters (mm) into the skin. This depth is enough to deposit ink into the upper dermis layer of the skin, allowing the tattoo to heal properly and retain its vibrancy.


Magnum Shaders:

Magnum shader needles, with their larger needle groupings, require a deeper needle depth to ensure proper ink saturation and density in shaded areas.

Soft Shaders: For soft or gradient-style shading, needles with a tighter grouping may be used, requiring a more moderate needle depth.


shader tattoo depth


Color Shading:

When shading with color, a slightly shallower needle depth may be preferred to prevent excessive ink bleeding or muddying of colors.


black tattoo



When selecting tattoo needles, understanding the relationship between needle sizes and required needle depths is crucial. Smaller needles like liners allow for shallower depths of 1.5-2mm, perfect for crisp line work on the skin. However, tighter areas may need slightly deeper depths of 2-2.5mm. Larger needle groupings for shading require greater depths to deposit ink effectively. By matching the right needle size to the appropriate depth, you can achieve outstanding results - bold lines, smooth shading, and minimized trauma.


The stunning tattoo artwork featured in these pictures showcases the exceptional results achieved by talented artists using SOLONG's The King's Sword tattoo cartridges. Each intricate line, bold shade, and vibrant color is a testament to the precision and reliability of these top-quality cartridges.



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As you admire these captivating tattoo pictures, keep in mind that the artistry you see is made possible by the superior performance of SOLONG's King's Sword cartridges. Each piece is a celebration of the perfect harmony between the artist's skill and the exceptional quality of our products.



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